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Showing posts from July, 2019

Sri Lanka’s Human Heritage Stories & Tourism Promotion

In light of the ongoing efforts by country’s travel and tourism sector stakeholders to revive the industry, which phased down in the aftermath of the Easter day terror attack, I intend to offer this perspective into tourism promotion.   If there is one innovative way in which Sri Lanka can promote travel differently, I believe, that is by enticing the global traveller to engage with Sri Lanka’s rich living heritage- an inseparable aspect of culture and tourism which hitherto remains somewhat quiescent where tourism promotion is concerned. The narratives that shed light on the living heritage - the inheritors of our intangible culture; their knowledge, practices, skills, rituals and beliefs have a broader scope to lure the traveller who seeks the thrill of human interaction and localized experience during travel.   In 2015, I had the opportunity to represent the Sunday Times at a s eminar on the Ratification and the Implementation of the UNESCO Convention for Safeguardi...